A Letter From Our Founder
The power of love is transformational…
Hi! I’m Jess, Jian Mehta’s older sister and founder of the Jian Mehta Hope Foundation (JMHF). The story behind JMHF is one of pain, suffering and surrender; but more importantly how the power of love, peace and joy have the ability to bring hope and transform a seemingly hopeless situation into something beautiful.
February 26, 2016 is a day I will never forget. We were waiting for news from Berlin, Germany to hear what hospital Jian had been admitted to and why it was so urgent. I finally got the call from my mom as she was in the car, rushing to the airport. I asked, “what is it?” I could sense her reluctance to tell me. I asked again in a firm, desperate voice, “What is it?!” Leukemia, she said. I immediately began to wail uncontrollably, as if in that moment I was struck by what I knew was to come without knowing at all. My heart was shattered. Everything in my body had tightened. I couldn’t breathe and the tears streamed down my face. Later that day, I was finally able to get on the phone with my brother thinking I was prepared to be the strong one to bring courage into the situation. But as soon as I heard his voice, I broke down and began to cry. I just so badly wanted to be there by his side. He chuckled, and said, “Jess, it’s alright, I’m OK. I’m going to be OK. I’ll see you soon.” A few days later I drove up to meet Jian at UCLA Medical Center where he was admitted to receive treatment and start chemotherapy right away.
From February 2016 to November 2018, Jian endured multiple chemo treatments, radiation, blood transfusions, bone marrow transplants, clinical trials, infections, and serious life-threatening painful complications. Over the course of those three years, I took note of Jian’s courage and his ability to experience supernatural joy; the kind that spilled over to those around him. Instead of dwelling on self-pity, despair, and discouragement, he demonstrated an upbeat attitude, unwavering faith in his Savior, love for others, and a living hope while facing insurmountable odds.
I witnessed Jian’s spiritual growth and radical transformation take place right before my eyes, in a powerful yet short amount of time. This in itself is the biggest miracle in Jian’s life. Although he went to a Christian school from 6th to 8th grade Jian did not follow the Christian lifestyle and had gone through a phase of indulging in drugs, alcohol and parties. His transformation began at the age of 19 while interning as a sound engineer at a recording studio in Chicago. I went to visit him during this time and can recall the depth of our conversations and thinking to myself, “Wow, something has shifted!” That next year, after completing his program at the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences (CRAS) in Arizona, Jian joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Australia, South Africa and Germany. It was in Germany that Jian began stepping into more of a leadership role and befriended Pastor Joshua Lupemba with Hope Center, Berlin.
Pastor Joshua quickly became a mentor to Jian and stood by through thick and thin during his battle with leukemia. They would often meet via FaceTime whenever possible. I know Jian shared some of his deepest visions and dreams with Pastor Joshua, and together they would pray and brainstorm on the things God placed on Jian’s heart. Those meetings were beyond uplifting and always brought such peace and joy to Jian, which then transferred throughout our family. I am forever grateful for Pastor Joshua’s role in Jian’s life.
Jian was a one of a kind musician. In 2017, while being treated at the UCLA outpatient clinic, Jian was introduced to Kenli Mattus from the “Play It Back” program of Teen Cancer America. Kenli inspired Jian to pursue his passions in music. Kenli’s friendship and mentorship significantly motivated Jian to continue recording his own music. My first time meeting Kenli was when I went to visit Jian in the hospital. Kenli had popped in to say hi and I had the great privilege of sitting in on a jam session with Kenli and Jian. You could feel the atmosphere change in the room. This for me confirms the power of music. Jian recorded nearly 30 songs while battling cancer. Kenli himself commented, “The world needs to hear Jian’s music,” and has offered to help in getting an album produced with Jian’s eight completed works he both composed and recorded himself in his bedroom that he turned into a self-designed and equipped home studio.
Jian and I had a very special relationship. He was more than a brother; he was my teacher, best friend, and will forever be one of my greatest heroes. During his stays at UCLA, I would make the drive from San Diego to visit him at least once or twice a week. Looking back, I can say some of the most beautiful moments we shared were during these most trying times. Together we would cry from both pain and laughter. Some of my favorite memories are of simply sitting and listening to what amazing ideas he had to run by me, or revelations he had to share. It was always in hearing the dreams he had for the future that captivated and inspired me. Jian dreamed big! Not only did he dream big, he dreamt with God. The intimate relationship Jian had with God was so inspiring and profound that his whole being seemed to point to his Maker. In his blog, The Race Set Before Me, Jian states, “This trial has been both my teacher and taskmaster all in one. On the one hand, I can see how my life is being shaped in a positive way because of it; on the other I can feel the oppression and pain which opens my eyes to the brokenness of this world and the reality that we live in. But it’s a paradox. Every time I go deeper into what seems to be a darker situation, I come out with more of an understanding of who I am along with a greater revelation of who God is.”
Jian’s light was too bright to burn out, and remains amongst us. I would be doing the world a disservice to not share this light with others. The baton has been passed, and it is with great honor that I now run the race set before me. The heart and mission behind the Jian Mehta Hope Foundation is to bring Hope to the hopeless. Our vision is to discover Hope in seemingly hopeless situations. I invite you to join us in supporting young artists, building strong communities, saying NO to social injustices such as human-trafficking and exploitation, and shining light in some of the darkest places in this world. With Hope there is a solution. So here we are, looking for those willing and ready to run the race set before us. Only question is, are YOU ready?
I’d like to end with one last quote from Jian, “Somehow when circumstances seem to be against us, it opens the door to a perspective that would have never been possible without the circumstance itself.”
It is with love and compassion I share my story with you. Thank you!
- Jessica Hudson